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Create a switch from callable that can be replaced with another callable temporarily. Supports module-level functions, classes, class methods and instance methods.


  • Supports re-entrant context managers (nested switching)
  • When exiting a context manager, the callable is restored to the previous state:
    • For nested switches, this means restoring to the previous replacement
    • Only when exiting the outermost context manager is the original callable restored
  • Works with any callable that has a parent object (module, class, or instance)


>>> # Example 1: Redirecting sys.stdout.write to a file
>>> import sys
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> switchable = Switchable(sys.stdout.write)
>>> with switchable.switch_to(Path('test.txt').open('a').write):
...     # Redirect print output to the file 'test.txt'
...     print("This will go into the file!")
>>> print("This will print to the console.")
This will print to the console.
>>> # Example 2: Nested switching with re-entrant context managers
>>> import logging
>>> def custom_write_1(text):
...     logging.error(f"[Logger 1] {text}")
>>> def custom_write_2(text):
...     logging.error(f"[Logger 2] {text}")
>>> switchable = Switchable(print)
>>> with switchable.switch_to(custom_write_1):
...     print("Message 1")
...     with switchable.switch_to(custom_write_2):
...         print("Message 2")
...     print("Message 3")
>>> print("Message 4")
ERROR:root:[Logger 1] Message 1
ERROR:root:[Logger 2] Message 2
ERROR:root:[Logger 1] Message 3
Message 4
>>> # Example 3: Mocking a callable for testing
>>> import random
>>> def mock_random_choice(seq):
...     return seq[0]  # Always return the first element
>>> switchable = Switchable(random.choice)
>>> with switchable.switch_to(mock_random_choice):
...     print(random.choice(list(range(10))))
>>> print(random.choice(list(range(10))))
Source code in cillow/
class Switchable(Generic[P_Spec, T_Retval]):
    Create a switch from callable that can be replaced with another callable temporarily.
    Supports module-level functions, classes, class methods and instance methods.


    - Supports re-entrant context managers (nested switching)
    - When exiting a context manager, the callable is restored to the previous state:
        - For nested switches, this means restoring to the previous replacement
        - Only when exiting the outermost context manager is the original callable restored
    - Works with any callable that has a parent object (module, class, or instance)

        >>> # Example 1: Redirecting sys.stdout.write to a file
        >>> import sys
        >>> from pathlib import Path
        >>> switchable = Switchable(sys.stdout.write)
        >>> with switchable.switch_to(Path('test.txt').open('a').write):
        ...     # Redirect print output to the file 'test.txt'
        ...     print("This will go into the file!")
        >>> print("This will print to the console.")
        This will print to the console.
        >>> # Example 2: Nested switching with re-entrant context managers
        >>> import logging
        >>> def custom_write_1(text):
        ...     logging.error(f"[Logger 1] {text}")
        >>> def custom_write_2(text):
        ...     logging.error(f"[Logger 2] {text}")
        >>> switchable = Switchable(print)
        >>> with switchable.switch_to(custom_write_1):
        ...     print("Message 1")
        ...     with switchable.switch_to(custom_write_2):
        ...         print("Message 2")
        ...     print("Message 3")
        >>> print("Message 4")
        ERROR:root:[Logger 1] Message 1
        ERROR:root:[Logger 2] Message 2
        ERROR:root:[Logger 1] Message 3
        Message 4
        >>> # Example 3: Mocking a callable for testing
        >>> import random
        >>> def mock_random_choice(seq):
        ...     return seq[0]  # Always return the first element
        >>> switchable = Switchable(random.choice)
        >>> with switchable.switch_to(mock_random_choice):
        ...     print(random.choice(list(range(10))))
        >>> print(random.choice(list(range(10))))

    def __init__(self, target: Callable[P_Spec, T_Retval]) -> None:
        Initialize the switchable with the given callable.

            target: The callable to override
        if hasattr(target, "__self__"):
            module = getmodule(parent := target.__self__)
            variable = getattr(module, target.__name__, None)
            if variable and id(target) == id(variable):
                parent = module
            parts = target.__qualname__.split(".")
            parent = getmodule(target) if len(parts) == 1 else target.__globals__.get(parts[0])

        if parent is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Could not determine the parent object of the {target} callable")

        if isinstance(parent, ModuleType):
            # This was an interesting edge case
            import os

            if parent.__name__ ==
                parent = os
            elif parent.__name__ == f"{}path":
                parent = os.path

        self._current_target = target
        self._name = target.__name__
        self._parent = parent
        self._target_stack: list[Callable] = []  # For re-entrant context managers

    def original(self) -> Callable[P_Spec, T_Retval]:
        """Access the original callable."""
        if self._target_stack:
            return self._target_stack[0]

        return self._current_target

    def __call__(self, *args: P_Spec.args, **kwargs: P_Spec.kwargs) -> T_Retval:
        Call the current target callable

            args: Positional arguments
            kwargs: Keyword arguments

            Return value of the original or the current target callable
        return self._current_target(*args, **kwargs)

    def switch_to(self, target: Callable[P_Spec, T_Retval]) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        Switch to another target callable temporarily.

        Inside the context, you can either use the switchable instance or the
        original callable to call the target callable.

            target: The new target callable with same signature
        self._current_target = target

            setattr(self._parent, self._name, target)
            self._current_target = self._target_stack.pop()
            setattr(self._parent, self._name, self._current_target)

original property

Access the original callable.


Switch to another target callable temporarily.

Inside the context, you can either use the switchable instance or the original callable to call the target callable.


Name Type Description Default
target Callable[P_Spec, T_Retval]

The new target callable with same signature

Source code in cillow/
def switch_to(self, target: Callable[P_Spec, T_Retval]) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
    Switch to another target callable temporarily.

    Inside the context, you can either use the switchable instance or the
    original callable to call the target callable.

        target: The new target callable with same signature
    self._current_target = target

        setattr(self._parent, self._name, target)
        self._current_target = self._target_stack.pop()
        setattr(self._parent, self._name, self._current_target)

switch context manager

Switches from one callable to another temporarily and provides access to the underlying Switchable instance. This provides both a convenient one-off switch and the ability to perform additional switches within the same context if needed.


Name Type Description Default
__from Callable[P_Spec, T_Retval]

The callable to switch from

__to Callable[P_Spec, T_Retval]

The callable to switch to



Type Description

The Switchable instance being used for the switch


>>> import random
>>> # Simple usage
>>> with switch(random.random, lambda: 0.42):
...     assert random.random() == 0.42
>>> # Advanced usage with nested switches
>>> with switch(random.random, lambda: 0.42) as switchable:
...     assert random.random() == 0.42
...     with switchable.switch_to(lambda: 0.99):
...         assert random.random() == 0.99
Source code in cillow/
def switch(
    __from: Callable[P_Spec, T_Retval], __to: Callable[P_Spec, T_Retval]
) -> Generator[Switchable[P_Spec, T_Retval], None, None]:
    Switches from one callable to another temporarily and provides access to the underlying
    Switchable instance. This provides both a convenient one-off switch and the ability
    to perform additional switches within the same context if needed.

        __from: The callable to switch from
        __to: The callable to switch to

        The Switchable instance being used for the switch

        >>> import random
        >>> # Simple usage
        >>> with switch(random.random, lambda: 0.42):
        ...     assert random.random() == 0.42
        >>> # Advanced usage with nested switches
        >>> with switch(random.random, lambda: 0.42) as switchable:
        ...     assert random.random() == 0.42
        ...     with switchable.switch_to(lambda: 0.99):
        ...         assert random.random() == 0.99
    with (switchable := Switchable(__from)).switch_to(__to):
        yield switchable