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Create an interpreter from a given python environment.


>>> import cillow
>>> interpreter = cillow.Interpreter()
>>> interpreter.run_code("x = 1; x + 1")
>>> interpreter.install_requirements(["package-name"])

Don't trust LLMS? Concerned about arbitrary code execution? Take full control by limiting functionalities using patches.

To add patches, use the add_patches() function. To clear patches, use clear_patches().


>>> import cillow
>>> import os
>>> from contextlib import contextmanager
>>> os_system_switchable = cillow.Switchable(os.system)
>>> @contextmanager
... def patch_os_system():
...     def disabled_os_system(command: str):
...         return "os.system has been disabled."
...     with os_system_switchable.switch_to(disabled_os_system):
...         yield
>>> cillow.add_patches(patch_os_system)  # Disable os.system
>>> interpreter = cillow.Interpreter()
>>> interpreter.run_code("import os;os.system('echo Hi')")
Result(value='os.system has been disabled.')
Source code in cillow/
class Interpreter:
    Create an interpreter from a given python environment.

        >>> import cillow
        >>> interpreter = cillow.Interpreter()
        >>> interpreter.run_code("x = 1; x + 1")
        >>> interpreter.install_requirements(["package-name"])

    Don't trust LLMS? Concerned about arbitrary code execution?
    Take full control by limiting functionalities using patches.

    To add patches, use the `add_patches()` function. To clear patches, use `clear_patches()`.

        >>> import cillow
        >>> import os
        >>> from contextlib import contextmanager
        >>> os_system_switchable = cillow.Switchable(os.system)
        >>> @contextmanager
        ... def patch_os_system():
        ...     def disabled_os_system(command: str):
        ...         return "os.system has been disabled."
        ...     with os_system_switchable.switch_to(disabled_os_system):
        ...         yield
        >>> cillow.add_patches(patch_os_system)  # Disable os.system
        >>> interpreter = cillow.Interpreter()
        >>> interpreter.run_code("import os;os.system('echo Hi')")
        Result(value='os.system has been disabled.')

    def __init__(self, environment: PythonEnvironment = "$system") -> None:
        self.namespace: dict[str, Any] = {}
        self._import_hook = None
        if environment != "$system":
            self._import_hook = EnvironmentImportHook(environment)
            sys.meta_path.insert(0, self._import_hook)
            sys.path.insert(0, str(self._import_hook.site_packages))

    def environment(self) -> PythonEnvironment:
        """The current Python environment"""
        return getattr(self._import_hook, "environment", "$system")

    # fmt: off
    def run_command(
        self, *cmd: str, on_stream: Callable[[Stream], Any] | None = None
    ) -> None:
        # fmt: on
        Run the given command.

        ⚠️ WARNING: This class allows execution of system commands and should be used with EXTREME CAUTION.

        - Never run commands with user-supplied or untrusted input
        - Always validate and sanitize any command arguments
        - Be aware of potential security risks, especially with privilege escalation

            cmd: The command to run
            on_stream: The callback to capture streaming output.
        on_stream = on_stream or default_stream_processor
        for line in*cmd):
            on_stream(Stream(type="cmd_exec", data=line))

    # fmt: off
    def install_requirements(
        self, *requirements: str, on_stream: Callable[[Stream], None] | None = None
    ) -> None:
        # fmt: on
        Install the given requirements.

            requirements: The requirements to install
            on_stream: The callback to capture streaming output. (defaults to print)
        install_args = []
        if self._import_hook is not None:
            install_args = ["--python", str(self._import_hook.environment)]

        with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w") as handler:
            # Writing requirements to file, instead of directly
            # passing them as arguments, to avoid arbitrary command execution

            self.run_command(*PIP_INSTALL_CMD, *install_args, on_stream=on_stream)

    def run_code(
        self, code: str, on_stream: Callable[[Stream | ByteStream], None] | None = None
    ) -> Result | ExceptionInfo:
        Run the given code.

            code: The code to run
            on_stream: The callback to capture streaming output.

            Result or ExceptionInfo dataclass instance
            code_meta = CodeMeta.from_code(code, filename="interpreter-process")
        except Exception as exc:
            return ExceptionInfo(type=exc.__class__.__name__, message=str(exc))

        on_stream = on_stream or default_stream_processor
        if not is_auto_install_disabled() and (module_names := code_meta.module_names):
            to_install = (module_names - sys.stdlib_module_names) - get_installed_modules()
            if to_install:
                packages = [MODULE_TO_PACKAGE_MAP.get(name, name) for name in to_install]
                self.install_requirements(*packages, on_stream=on_stream)

            with patch.load_patches(on_stream=on_stream):
                if to_exec := code_meta.to_exec:
                    exec(to_exec, self.namespace, self.namespace)  # noqa: S102

                result_value = None
                if to_eval := code_meta.to_eval:
                    result_value = eval(to_eval, self.namespace, self.namespace)  # noqa: S307

            return Result(value=result_value)

        except Exception as exc:
            exc_info = {
                "type": exc.__class__.__name__,
                "message": str(exc),
            if tb := exc.__traceback__:
                exc_info["where"] = format_traceback(tb)[-1].strip()

            return ExceptionInfo(**exc_info)

    def __del__(self) -> None:
        if self._import_hook:

environment property

The current Python environment


Install the given requirements.


Name Type Description Default
requirements str

The requirements to install

on_stream Callable[[Stream], None] | None

The callback to capture streaming output. (defaults to print)

Source code in cillow/
def install_requirements(
    self, *requirements: str, on_stream: Callable[[Stream], None] | None = None
) -> None:
    # fmt: on
    Install the given requirements.

        requirements: The requirements to install
        on_stream: The callback to capture streaming output. (defaults to print)
    install_args = []
    if self._import_hook is not None:
        install_args = ["--python", str(self._import_hook.environment)]

    with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w") as handler:
        # Writing requirements to file, instead of directly
        # passing them as arguments, to avoid arbitrary command execution

        self.run_command(*PIP_INSTALL_CMD, *install_args, on_stream=on_stream)


Run the given code.


Name Type Description Default
code str

The code to run

on_stream Callable[[Stream | ByteStream], None] | None

The callback to capture streaming output.



Type Description
Result | ExceptionInfo

Result or ExceptionInfo dataclass instance

Source code in cillow/
def run_code(
    self, code: str, on_stream: Callable[[Stream | ByteStream], None] | None = None
) -> Result | ExceptionInfo:
    Run the given code.

        code: The code to run
        on_stream: The callback to capture streaming output.

        Result or ExceptionInfo dataclass instance
        code_meta = CodeMeta.from_code(code, filename="interpreter-process")
    except Exception as exc:
        return ExceptionInfo(type=exc.__class__.__name__, message=str(exc))

    on_stream = on_stream or default_stream_processor
    if not is_auto_install_disabled() and (module_names := code_meta.module_names):
        to_install = (module_names - sys.stdlib_module_names) - get_installed_modules()
        if to_install:
            packages = [MODULE_TO_PACKAGE_MAP.get(name, name) for name in to_install]
            self.install_requirements(*packages, on_stream=on_stream)

        with patch.load_patches(on_stream=on_stream):
            if to_exec := code_meta.to_exec:
                exec(to_exec, self.namespace, self.namespace)  # noqa: S102

            result_value = None
            if to_eval := code_meta.to_eval:
                result_value = eval(to_eval, self.namespace, self.namespace)  # noqa: S307

        return Result(value=result_value)

    except Exception as exc:
        exc_info = {
            "type": exc.__class__.__name__,
            "message": str(exc),
        if tb := exc.__traceback__:
            exc_info["where"] = format_traceback(tb)[-1].strip()

        return ExceptionInfo(**exc_info)


Run the given command.

⚠️ WARNING: This class allows execution of system commands and should be used with EXTREME CAUTION.

  • Never run commands with user-supplied or untrusted input
  • Always validate and sanitize any command arguments
  • Be aware of potential security risks, especially with privilege escalation


Name Type Description Default
cmd str

The command to run

on_stream Callable[[Stream], Any] | None

The callback to capture streaming output.

Source code in cillow/
def run_command(
    self, *cmd: str, on_stream: Callable[[Stream], Any] | None = None
) -> None:
    # fmt: on
    Run the given command.

    ⚠️ WARNING: This class allows execution of system commands and should be used with EXTREME CAUTION.

    - Never run commands with user-supplied or untrusted input
    - Always validate and sanitize any command arguments
    - Be aware of potential security risks, especially with privilege escalation

        cmd: The command to run
        on_stream: The callback to capture streaming output.
    on_stream = on_stream or default_stream_processor
    for line in*cmd):
        on_stream(Stream(type="cmd_exec", data=line))