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Using Cillow

This guide will show you how to host a server and connect to it from a client.

Running a Cillow Server

We’ll write minimal code to run a Cillow server with prebuilt patches.

Prebuilt patches include those that capture real-time streaming outputs generated during code execution so they can be redirected to the client. Currently, the following patches are available:

Learn about writing custom patches here.

import cillow


if __name__ == "__main__":
    server = cillow.Server(
        port=5556, max_interpreters=2, interpreters_per_client=1


[Server] Max interpreter processes: 2
[Server] Interpreter processes per client: 1
[Server] Number of worker threads: 4
[Server] Max request queue size: 4
[Server] Starting worker threads...
[Server] Listening on tcp://
[Server] Press Ctrl+C to exit.
  • max_interpreters limits the total number of interpreter processes that can be created.
  • interpreters_per_client limits the number of interpreter processes that can be created per client.

Refer to the Server component for more information on all parameters, their default values, and how they are calculated.

Interacting with the Server

import cillow

client ="", port=5556)

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

img ='RGB', (400, 300), 'white')

draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
draw.rectangle([50, 50, 350, 250], outline='black', width=3)
draw.ellipse([100, 100, 300, 200], outline='purple', width=3)
draw.line([50, 250, 350, 250], fill='blue', width=3)



Execution(result=Result(value=None), streams=[], byte_streams=[ByteStream(type='image', data=b'\x89PNG\r\n...', id=None)], exception=None)

Images and plot figures are sent as byte streams, so the client can access them in real-time instead of waiting for the final result. Utilize the on_stream callback to access the streams.

By default, the environment is selected as $system, representing the global Python environment. If you wish to connect to a different environment, you can pass the environment argument.

client =
    host="", port=5556, environment="/path/to/python/env"

Switching Python Environment

Every new environment starts up in a new interpreter process and has its own namespace.


Deleting Python Environment


After deletion, it will switch to the default environment used when creating the client.

Installing Requirements

By default, the run_code() method automatically installs the required packages if they are detected in the code. To install requirements explicitly, use:

client.install_requirements("package1", "package2")

To disable automatic installation feature in run_code method, set CILLOW_DISABLE_AUTO_INSTALL environment variable to 1.

If uv is installed, it will be used to install the requirements; otherwise, it will fallback to pip.

Running Commands

client.run_command("echo", "Hello World")

Setting Environment Variables

client.set_environment_variables({"VAR1": "value1", "VAR2": "value2"})